To boost the performance and let even people who have a slower internet connection use VAAKAM Services, we have disabled automatic video enable function in VAAKAM servers for beyond 5 users.
What does that mean?
That means that user 1 to 5, when they join the meeting, they will have their video and audio both on, unless they disable it.
But, when 6th user joins, by default, they will have their video disabled.
That's not the end....
All users can enable their video from the interface. Just ask the user whose video is off to click on the "Video Button" "once", and video will be switched on.
How many people can connect with video audio both on at the same time is determined by everyone's internet connection. VAAKAM infrastructure has been tested with 1500 participants having their video and audio both on (we stopped after that, and that still is not the limit of VAAKAM infrastructure), so your connection and device's capability is only issue that can stop you from connecting with Unlimited number of people..